On a recent visit to Ocean City on the Jersey Shore I tried the most wonderful food: Pork Roll. I loved it so much I consumed it for breakfast (egg, cheese, and pork roll on english muffin), as a side to pancakes, on a roll as a lunch snack and a chaser to pizza. Is there anything this delicious meat can't do?

The flavor is slightly spicy falling somewhere between bacon and spam (but totally awesome). Using my secret connections to the state of New Jersey I was able to secure 2 packs to smuggle across the NY state line. It was worth the risk. As it turns out, you see, they don't sell Pork Roll outside of Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania. Taylor and Trenton are the two big companies that manufacture it. Apparently for the many Jersey expatriates you can have it shipped. A few sites that do it are:
An egg on a roll just isn't the same.